
"To Obliterate Obfuscation, Go Obliterate Obfuscation!"

BlogPost News

BlogPost 1 (07/19/2024) Welcome to ObliterateObfuscation.com My name is Aidan. This website's main focus is to connect and share 'Obfuscation' in current age, and how we as a species can 'Obliterate' it. "To Obliterate Obfuscation" could be a quick consise mission statement for this site. My aim is to use creative thought to explore these topics and to bridge consciousness, in new and unique ways. Thank you and I hope you enjoy the information provided !!!
Topics To Be Discussed:
Propaganda Exploring Propaganda throughout history, and how techniques are used in the moden day.
Subliminal Advertising Evaluating methods companies use to command purchases in everyday life.
Global Manipulation Learning all possible ways one can be controlled, and the widespread implications.
Conspiracy Fantasies, Conspiracy Theories, and True Conspiracy Explaining the spectrum of conspiracy, from conspiracy fantasy to true conspiracy and everything in between.
Syncromysticism Describing how events in life can line up so Perfectly, in personal life and the world stage.